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Procurement Award

Procurement Award

This award recognises an outstanding procurement project or initiative carried out by a private label / Contract Manufacturer that has been completed or ongoing within the last 18 months.

This is open to any organisation that provides general services to the manufacturing industry.

Entry is by a 5 A4 page submission;
the judges will be looking for a clear plan and evidence that it is delivering on core objectives, paying attention to the criteria listed below.

  • Organisation Background: Please provide a brief description of the organisation and the procurement function within the organisation, including team and organisational structure.

  • Project Background: Please provide a background of the project including the rationale behind it, the brief, key team members, time allocated and budget.

  • Execution & Challenges: Describe how the brief was fulfilled, including any challenges faced and how the team worked together to overcome them.

  • Innovation: Please include details of any unique efforts or processes that have been employed, demonstrating how innovation in the procurement strategy and/or execution helped the outcome.

  • Outcomes & Results: Summarise the outcomes of the project including the contribution to business growth and/or benefits to the stakeholders.

  • Include any other facts or statements that you feel are relevant to support the entry, including awards and accreditations in the procurement field.

  1. Visit our 'HOW TO ENTER' page for our Items Checklist & Step-by-Step Guide.

  2. Once you have created your PDF submission and you have all items in the Items Checklist, submit your entry via the ONLINE ENTRY FORM.


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For all enquiries, contact our team.

© Irish Private Label & Contract Manufacturer Awards 2021.

All Rights Reserved.

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